#78: Alice K’s ladders; relationship flux

To break up or not to break up, that is the question.  My personal life has been in emotional chaos the past week, so it’s hard to think about doing a radio show.  Anyway, I managed to fill the hour, thanks to running into Alice K on Round Hill Road/Crescent St, and her telling me about her wooden ladder trellises, and how she unsuspectingly became a painting contractor in her early 40s, which she continued for 25 years.  Thanks to music for helping get me through this show as well.  And a word from Ernie of Ernie’s Garage about his pebble parking lot, and Chris P and Tyler in front of Haymarket answering relationship questions (or not).

One thought on “#78: Alice K’s ladders; relationship flux”

  1. Alice Cain is also a master Weaver. You should go in and look at a rug sometimes and her tapestry needle points. Truly she is a masterful fiber artist. Have a talk with her sometime about how she taught me a blind woman to knit and how she would fix my dropped stitches and also give me tons and tons of cloth for my hooked rugs!

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